Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Understanding Backyard Chicken Breeds

Currently, there more than sixty breeds of chicken that are available on the market place. This holding true, you may find that it is a very overwhelming process trying to figure out what breeds would be suitable for you to keep. When one is seeking backyard chicken breeds, the process evens the score trickier. This is because; there are specific breeds of chicken that are better suited for backyard breeding.
One has to iron out from the different shapes, sizes and types of chicken breeds that are available to find those that best suit their needs. However, with a little bit of reading and research, the process does not must be as hard as it seems. One only must get a little insight and understanding of the different chicken breeds that are available.
Size of breeds
Poultry kinds are commonly categorized into two broad classifications when it concerns their size. These two classifications are the bantam and the large chickens Before laying out to buy your backyard chickens, you have to know what size of chickens you will choose to buy.
The size that you choose baseds upon the need with which you require your chickens How much money space you have to rear your chickens will also be a determining factor. The variety of chickens that you desire to buy will also determine what size of chicken you get.
Bantam chickens.
Bantam chickens are the smallest chickens that you will find. Typically, they are only 25 % as large as the other standard chicken breed, which is an indication of how small they really are. Therefore, if you find that you would like to keep a bunch of chickens but you do not have enough space, then this would be the ideal birds to take into account keeping.
This breed of chickens is even more domesticated but they will also lay eggs that are much smaller than those of other chickens. Therefore, when opting for which backyard chicken breeds to keep, this would be a good alternative to consider.
Large breed chickens.
These are the chickens that are responsible for the supply of large grade A eggs. Therefore, if your aim were to gain chickens that will lay eggs for commercial purposes then this would be the perfect breed to keep.
You will should understand that the chicken will require some room to roam around and they should not be cooped constantly. They love to look up their own food and you will constantly find them scratching the ground. Chickens will keep the insect count in your backyard low as they eat them. The chicken poop is also a great source of manure, which you can sell to other farmers and add to your income.
Some of the best chicken breeds to keep in your backyard include breeds like the Rhode Island Reds, the New Hampshire Reds, the Golden comets and the Delawares. Breeding of chickens is no longer the preserve of farmers and commercial breeders; anyone can enjoy this productive and fulfilling activity.

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